Level Up!

Explore different environmental careers with Apprenticeship Kits

Apprenticeship Kits

Meet our apprenticeship kits, a 4-level entry program into environmental science careers.

Each apprenticeship provides background knowledge necessary to complete 3 field work activities.

  • inexpensive (only $10 each)

  • no experience required

  • field sheets provided

  • independent exploration for ages 10 and up

What’s Inside?

Level 1 - Wonder about the science and learn more with information cards!

Level 2 - Explore nature by getting outside to observe, collect data, and do activities inspired by science careers.

Level 3 - Investigate your observations to learn more, compare what you’ve seen, and dive into the apprenticeship further.

Level 4 - Apply your new knowledge and experience to your own life and/or community.

Ornithologist Apprentice

Ornithologists study birds, bird behaviour, and bird habitat. As an ornithologist apprentice you will explore birds in your neighbourhood. Learn how to ID birds, watch how birds live, investigate bird habitats, and help the birds in your own backyard.

PDF includes: 12 informational sheets about how to identify birds; a check list to record birds you’ve seen; a data sheet to record observations about bird behaviour; and guidance on feeding birds in your backyard.

Microclimatologist Apprentice

Microclimatologists study atmospheric conditions, energy transfers, and energy budgets on a small scale - normally related to a specific environment, terrain, or animal. As a microclimatologist apprentice you will explore the microclimate around you! Learn how you are impacted by the weather, explore how you gain and loose energy / heat, and how you can control your comfortable level.

PDF includes: 6 informational pages about energy budgets, human comfort, and city microclimates; field sheet to explore different weather conditions and how they impact your comfort level; data sheets to collect data about what you can change to adjust your personal microclimate; and a data sheet to brainstorm how to improve the microclimate in your own community.

Geologist Apprentice

Geologists study the Earth’s materials, what they are made of, how they form, and the landforms they create. As a geologist apprentice you will explore the rocks and minerals in your neighbourhood! Learn more about the rock cycle and see if you can identify patterns, similarities, and differences in the rocks you find.

PDF includes: 6 informational pages about rocks and minerals, how to describe them, and the rock cycle; field sheets to record observations about rocks you find outside; activity information and example to help you explore rocks you find; and data collection tables to get you exploring how humans use rocks.

Fluvial Geomorphologist Apprentice

Fluvial geomorphologists study rivers, their shape, water movement, sediment transport, and landforms. As a fluvial geomorphologist apprentice, you will explore rivers in your neighbourhood. Learn what makes a river healthy, take your own field notes, investigate water velocity, and make recommendations for maintaining or improving river health.

PDF includes: 5 informational cards that explore parts of a river and what is a healthy river; field sheets to record observations and sketch your river; data sheets to record information about water velocity; chart to help you brainstorm how to improve the health of a river.

Gardener Apprentice

A gardener understands how plants grow, selecting the best location, soil, and nutrients for healthy gardens from seed. As a gardener apprentice, you will explore and determine a location for growing your seed garden. Let’s begin your Gardener Apprenticeship Kit!

PDF includes: 7 informational pages about the needs of plants and how the grow them; a field sheet to help you select the best location for growing your plants; an activity to investigate the best growing methods; and data sheets to explore and learn from other gardens in your neighbourhood.

Example information page from Ornithologist Apprenticeship

Example sketching chart from Fluvial Geomorphologist Apprenticeship

Example field sheet from Microclimatology Apprenticeship

Example certificate from Gardener Apprenticeship

Example activity page from Geologist Apprenticeship